Thursday, May 20, 2010

Videos of Readings from DAISY CHAIN

To keep up to date with videos added to the DaisyChainNovel Youtube Channel, please subscribe. Videos added will include future readings, as well as short films and art videos created from novel extracts.

Rhoda Bharath gives introductory talk at launch of Daisy Chain

Elspeth Duncan, author of Daisy Chain, gives a short intro prior to the readings

Carolyn Harnanan reads ANDREA (from Daisy Chain)

Carol Hosein reads FIONA (from DAISY CHAIN)

Patti-Anne Ali reads an extract from MONA (from DAISY CHAIN)

Vanessa Duncan reads an extract from PHILLIPINE (from DAISY CHAIN)

Joann Ali-Nandalal reads an extract from LUCY